Tuesday, October 19, 2010

sore thumb

I just realized I'm horribly out-of-place at LatteLand on the Plaza for many reasons:

-I feel like a hillbilly for owning a Dell and not a Mac like everyone else.

-I'm not wearing plaid. Or thick-rimmed glasses. Or skinny jeans. Or Chucks. Or a scarf. Or iPod buds.

-I've showered in the last 48 hours. Or have I?

-I'm not scrawling in a notebook taking periodic breaks to gaze woefully out the window.

-I'm 90% sure that my entire outfit was purchased--over multiple visits--from Target, rather than some ultra-hipster underground thrift store.

-I carried my computer here in my Jansport backpack from college. Insta-self-consciousness.